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About me

Hi, I'm imexoodeex, a young software developer from Poland. My favourite language to work with is Typescript. I love to make fullstack web apps and make them as fast as instant with my stack. I also love to make server only applications using node.js like some APIs, website scrapers, discord bots and more. I enjoy working productive and fast, so I have learnt Monkey (Touch) Typing and I have customized all my keyboard shortcuts for my needs in Visual Studio Code. My main interests are: fullstack development, server-side development, process optimization (Making things BLAZINGLY FAST), databases, (Self) hosting, custom keyboards, linux, machine learning and open source.

My tech stack

, That makes my apps BLAZINGLY FAST🚀

  1. React with Remix on Express
  2. Chakra UI
  3. Prisma ORM with PosgreSQL

Other stuff I do know: Node.js, Next.js, tailwind CSS, express, git, linux, nginx and other utility npm packages. If you want to contact me, you can do it by checking the links in the top left corner.

About me

A server-side rendered Minecraft server status website for checking data of Minecraft servers. Contains a verified dicord bot, popular Minecraft servers list, custom API and a modern dashboard for managing discord bot on server.

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A website made with collaboration with a friend. It is used for calculating complicated chemistry equations. (We know that everyone hates chemistry, so we wanted to make it easier for everyone). Contains own ads system, where users can buy their own ads, subscription system using stripe and a very nice modern looking UI.

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Text Tune

A Verified Discord bot used for spell checking, grammar checking, definitions, synonyms of text.

Visit bot's site
